Exercise #8 — Descriptive Spatial Statistics (Surfer)

  Introduction to GIS Modeling, GEOG 3160, University of Denver, Winter 2001


Name _____<enter your name>_____      

Date _____<enter the date>______


From the class website, download the data file Elev_pts_surfer.xls and place it in

C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer\Samples


Part 1 – Changing IDW Interpolation Specifications


Access the Surfer demo system by double-clicking on C:\Program Files\Surfer\Surfer.exe.


1)  Derive an IDW surface of the elevation data.

a) Generate a map surface…

ü       From the main menu click Grid à Data, then select the Elev_pts_surfer.xls file in the …\Samples subdirectory.

ü       In the Grid Line Geometry box, change the # of lines to 25 in both the X and Y directions.

ü       Click on the folder icon in the Output Grid box, specify Elev_IDW1.grd as the output file name, then press Save.

ü       In the Gridding Method box, specify Inverse Distance to a Power as the gridding method.

ü       Click OK to generate an IDW surface using the default specifications.

b) Create a wireframe plot…

From the main menu click MAP à Wireframe à OPEN à OK to create a wireframe plot of the Elev_IDW1 surface.

c) Create a contour map…

From the main menu click MAP à Contour à New Contour map à  OPEN à OK to create a wireframe plot of the Elev_IDW1 surface.

In the Contour Map Properties dialog box, check the Fill Contours box on the options tab.  Click on the Levels tab, click on the Fill button, and click on the Foreground Color button to pop-up the Color Spectrum dialog box.

  Click on the left arrow of the spectrum and assign the color green; click on the right arrow and assign red.  Ctrl/click in the middle of the spectrum and assign yellow. Click OK, OK and OK to generate the color filled contour plot.

d) Graphically overlay the contour and wireframe maps…

Shift/click to select both the contour and the wireframe plots.  Then on the main menu, click Map  à Overlay Maps.

Resize and position the colorful plot in the top third of the worksheet.


2)  Repeat the “generate a map surface…” steps substituting Elev_IDW2 for the output file name.

Press the Options button on the right of the Gridding Methods box.


  Options dialog box for IDW gridding method


Set Power to 4, Ratio 2, Angle 45 and press OK, OK to generate a surface using different gridding method specifications.

Repeat the “create a wireframe plot…, create a contour plot…, and graphical overlay…” steps and resize/position the plot to the middle third of the worksheet.


3)  Generate a third surface and resize/position its plot in the bottom third of the worksheet that has the specifications: ELEV_IDW3, Power 4, Ratio 2, Angle 45, Search Factors 1,1,1 and 1 (see below).


  Search Tab for gridding


Question 1.  Screen-grab your work sheet with the three plots and embed below…


Briefly describe the effects of changing the gridding method specifications.  Your discussion should include explanation of IDW algorithm and the mathematical impact of changing the power, anisotropy and search factors. 

Referring to the screen grab extend the discussion to how the changes you introduced affected the interpolated surfaces. 



Part 2 – Changing Krig Interpolation Specifications


1)  Create a new plot window by clicking on the New button in the upper left corner of the main tool bar and selecting Plot Document.  Derive a Krig surface of the elevation data as outlined below.

a) Generate a map surface…

ü       From Surfer’s main menu click Grid à Data, then select the Elev_pts_surfer.data file in the …\Samples subdirectory.

ü       In the Grid Line Geometry box, change the # of lines to 25 in both the X and Y directions.

ü       Click on the folder icon in the Output Grid box, specify Elev_Krig1.grd as the output file name, then press Save.

ü       In the Gridding Method box, specify Kriging as the gridding method.

ü       Click OK to generate a Krig surface using the default specifications. 

  Click OK to the warning (any idea what it means?)

b) Create a wireframe plot…

ü       From the main menu click MAP à Wireframe à OK to create a wireframe plot of the Elev_Krig1 surface.

ü       Resize and position the plot in the top third of the worksheet.


2)  Repeat the “generate a map surface…” steps substituting Elev_Krig2 for the output file name.

Press the Options button on the right of the Gridding Methods box.


  Options dialog box for Kriging gridding method


Set Kriging Type to Block, Drift Type to Quadratic and press OK, OK to generate a surface using different gridding method specifications.

Repeat the “create a wireframe plot…” steps for both of the new grids.   Resize and position the interpolated surface to the middle third of the worksheet. 


3)  Generate a difference surface between the pair of Krig surfaces by Gridà Math and specifying the Elev_Krig1.grd file as “Input Grid File A.”  Specify Elev_Krig2.grd as input grid file B.  Specify Elev_%Krig1-2.grd as output grid file C.  Enter the grid math function as C=( ( A – B ) / A ) * 100.  

Plot, resize and position the percent change surface (Elev_%Krig1-2.grd) to the bottom third of the worksheet.


Question 2.  Screen-grab your work sheet with the three plots and embed below…


Make a general statement comparing the results of the IDW and Kriging interpolations. 

Which do you think is the “best” (what considerations lead to this opinion)? 

Briefly describe the effects of changing the Kriging gridding method specifications.  Your discussion should include a general explanation of Kriging approach and the impact of changing the type and drift options. 

What is the data range of %change values?

Comment on the spatial pattern of the %change surface and suggest any explanations for the differences.


Optional Question 8_1.  Choose any two interpolation methods (other than IDW or Krig) and generate interpolation surfaces using the default specifications.  Generate %Change maps from the default IDW and Krig surfaces for both of your grids.  Prepare a brief report describing the results and presenting the plots in an organized manner (use SnagIt screen capture). 


Note: five (5) extra credit points possible for each completed tutorial and write-up; optional assignments will be graded on their completeness, clarity and presentation.




Part 3 – Descriptive Statistics


From Surfer’s main menu click Open à Elev_Pts_Surfer.xls (Excel file), OK. 

Highlight the data in column C (Value) then select Data à Statistics to pop-up the statistics dialog box.


  Statistics dialog box


Click OK to generate a standard report.  Click Close once you have reviewed the report.

Select Data à Statistics and click the check boxes for the additional statistics noted in the following table.



Sample Data

Mapped Data (IDW Surface)

Number of values





















First quartile



Third quartile



Standard error of mean



95% confidence interval



99% confidence interval






Average deviation



Standard deviation



Coefficient of variation



Coefficient of Skewness



Coefficient of Kurtosis



Kolmogorov-Smirnov stat




Complete the “Sample Data” statistics column in the above table using the information in extended report. 


From the current window, switch to the Plot 2 window by clicking Windowà Plot 2.  Now click Fileà Open à Elev_IDW1 (Surfer file), Open.  Inspect the grid values by clicking on the small crosses superimposed on the contour map.  Close the data inspection window (click on the small “X” in the upper right corner of the plot).


From Surfer’s main menu click Grid à Convert à Elev_IDW1.grd, Open to open that file (map surface) for converting to a different data type. 

Specify Elev_IDW1_xyz as the file name and ASCIIXYZ (.dat) as the file type.


  BE SURE to the specify ASCIIXYZ as the file type before pressing the Save button.


Click Open à Elev_IDW1_xyz (.dat file), OK.  This will open the grid file as a Worksheet.


Highlight the data in column C, select Data à Statistics, and generate the descriptive statistics needed to complete the left column of the above table.


  To get the definition of each of the statistics, press Helpà Contents then Search.  Choose “Statistics Results” as the topic, then click on the “Statistics” link as shown in the figure.  Review the definition of each of the descriptive statistics you entered into the table. 


Embed below the definitions for any of the statistics that might be unfamiliar to you…


Question 3.  Comment on the comparison of the statistics for the Sample Data and the Mapped Data. 

Would you expect the statistics to be identical, nearly the same, loosely related, or unrelated for most interpolated surfaces?  Justify your answer. 

Would you expect the Elev_Krig1 mapped data’s statistics to be more, less or unpredictable in its comparison to the sample data’s statistics?  Justify your answer.